Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

Text Box: Ulangan Umum Semester 2



Jalan Udayana 2A telp (0370)632606 Mataram


Mata Pelajaran                  :    MUATAN LOKAL BAHASA
Kelas / Program              :    XI (Sebelas)
Hari / Tanggal                :    MEI 2011
P  u  k  u  l                    :  


1.       Tulislah identitas peserta  Anda pada Lembar Jawab.
2.       Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya.
3.       Laporkan kepada pengawas kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah soal kurang.
4.       Dahulukan mengerjakan soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah.
5.       Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas, bila diperlukan.
6.       Selama mengikuti Ulangan Umum, peserta dilarang :
a.       Menanyakan jawaban soal kepada siapapun.
b.       Bekerja sama dengan peserta lain.
c.       Memberi dan atau menerima bantuan dalam menjawab soal.
d.       Memperlihatkan pekerjaan sendiri kepada peserta lain dan atau melihat pekerjaan peserta lain.
8.       Periksa pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas

Selamat bekerja

Untuk soal nomor ...  s.d  ... , pilihlah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan cara menghitamkan bundaran A, B, C, D, atau E pada Lembar Jawab Komputer.

Read the letter for answering number 1 to 5!

Dear sir / madam.
I would like to book a double room for 2nd to 11st of June 2011 . I need an air conditioner room with bath and shower which faces the sea, and also the mini bar. I should be grteful if you would confirm my my booking as soon as possible. Please give me an indication of your rates per night. Should you have  vacancies please could you give me the address of suitable hotel in your area?

Yours faithfully,

(Jennifer O’Brian)

1).    What kind of letter about?
A.      Confirmation letter
B.       Reservation letter..
C.       Wedding Invitation
D.      Anniversary Invitation
E.       Condolence Letter

2).         What kind of  room did the guest want to book?
A.     Double room..
B.      Single room
C.      King size bed
D.     The honey moon room
E.      Extra room

3).         There are some facilities of the hotel which the guest want to book. There are...?
A.     Air Conditioner
B.      Bath with shower
C.      Room which faces the sea
D.     Mini bar
E.      Extra bed..

4).         Who was the writer?
A.     Mark O’brian
B.      David O’brian
C.      Jennifer O’brian..
D.     Steven O’brian
E.      Sean O’brian

5).         For how long the writer wanted to book the room?
A.     9 days
B.      10 days..
C.      11 days
D.     12 days
E.      13 days

6).         My mother booked a room for my holiday at Senggigi  beach hotel yesterday. Choose one of hotel’s term from the sentence!
A.     holiday
B.      room..
C.      book
D.     yesterday
E.      beach

7).         I usually go to the weight room every Sunday. The synonym of the bold type is....
A.     kitchen
B.      office
C.      hotel
D.     gymnasium..
E.      lobby

8).         What the meaning of baggage?
A.     garasi
B.      koper
C.      tas
D.     dompet
E.      bagasi..

9).         He waited his friend at the_______of the hotel. The right word to complete the sentence is....
A.     room
B.      lobby..
C.      restaurant
D.     swimming pool
E.      cafe

10).      The bellboy brought the baggage to the guest room. The meaning of the bold type word  is.........
A.     tukang parkir
B.      pelayan hotel..
C.      koki
D.     manajer
E.      pelayan restauran

Complete the sentence using the right word for number 11 to 15
11).      The guest should  ______ before he/she stay at the hotel.
A.     check out
B.      check in..
C.      go
D.     come
E.      went

12).      The guest get ______ from the hotel. Such as soap,shampoo,towel,etc.
A.     complete
B.      free
C.      things
D.     complimentary..
E.      equipment

13).      The ______ works to haandle the car at parking area of the hotel.
A.     Cleaning service
B.      Hotel manager
C.      Valet..
D.     Bell boy
E.      Receptionist

14).      The room number 324 located at second ______ of the hotel.
A.     place
B.      floor..
C.      lobby
D.     room
E.      time

15).      You can find some _____ at the bathroom of the hotel.
A.     clothes
B.      towels..
C.      dress
D.     hat
E.      bag

Classify the words into the right genre.
For number 16 s/d 20
16). Book
17). Attractions
18). Noisy
19). Towel
20). Check-out
A.     Adjective
B.      Noun
C.      Adverb
D.     Verb
E.        Pronoun

21). Arrange the restaurant’s menus from the beginning!
A. Beverages – salads - appetizers – desserts – main course
B. Main course – beverages – salads –appetizers - desserts
C.  Appetizers – main course – beverages – desserts - salads
D.  Salads – main course – appetizers – beverages - desserts
E.  Desserts – apetizers – main course – salads – beverages

22). The other names of desserts are?
A. Sweets, treats, for the sweet tooth
B. Burgers, lunch menu, wraps
C. Entree, main dish, main event
D. Appies, finger food, starters
E. garden fresh, greens, low clorie choices

23). The other names of salads are?
A. Sweets, treats, for the sweet tooth
B. Burgers, lunch menu, wraps
C. Entree, main dish, main event
D. Appies, finger food, starters
E. garden fresh, greens, low clorie choices

24). The other names of appetizers are?
A. Sweets, treats, for the sweet tooth
B. Burgers, lunch menu, wraps
C. Entree, main dish, main event
D. Appies, finger food, starters
E. garden fresh, greens, low clorie choices

25). The other names of main course are?
A. Sweets, treats, for the sweet tooth
B. Burgers, lunch menu, wraps
C. Entree, main dish, main event
D. Appies, finger food, starters
E. garden fresh, greens, low clorie choices

26). The other names of sandwiches are?
A. Sweets, treats, for the sweet tooth
B. Burgers, lunch menu, wraps
C. Entree, main dish, main event
D. Appies, finger food, starters
E. garden fresh, greens, low clorie choices

27). Here are the menu’s phrases which related to the    restaurant’s menu. Except..
        A. garnished with..
        B. finished with...
        C. drizzled with...
        D. available with...
        E. started with....
28). What picture is it?


A.     Kettle..
B.      Plate
C.      Glass
D.     Pan
E.      Frying pan

29).  What picture is it?

A.     Frying pan
B.      Glass
C.      Rice cooker..
D.     Pan
E.      Plate

30). What picture is it?

A.     Pan
B.      Frying pan
C.      Glass
D.     Foutensil..
E.      Plate

31). The skin of an orange tastes quite....
       A. Bitter
       B. Sweet
       C. Bland
       D. Greasy
       E. Delicious

32). Sugar and honey will make a dish....
       A. Bitter
       B. Bland
  C. Sweet..
  D. Delicious
  E. Greasy

33). If you forget the salt and papper the food will be...
       A. Bitter
       B. Bland
  C. Sweet
  D. Delicious
  E. Greasy

34). A dish without enough liquid is...
       A. Bitter
       B. Bland
  C. Sweet
  D. Dry..
  E. Greasy

35). A dish cooked to perfection will be....
       A. Bitter
       B. Bland
  C. Sweet
  D. Delicious..
  E. Greasy

36). A person who works to wash the dish is....
       A. a baker
       B. a dishwasher
       C. a head cook
       D. a sous chef
       E.  a start order cook

37). A person who manages the kitchen staff  is....
       A. an executife cheff
       B. a kitchen manager
       C. a head cook
       D. a line cook
       E. a food preparation worker

38). A person who makes the cakes is....
       A. a baker
       B. a dishwasher
       C. a head cook
       D. a sous chef
       E.  a start order cook

39). A person who called a head cheff  looked by his  experience is....
 A. a baker
      B. a dishwasher
      C. a head cook
      D. a sous chef
      E.  a start order cook

40). A person who cleans the floor also the bath room is...
 A. a baker
      B. a cleaning service
      C. a head cook
      D. a sous chef
      E.  a start order cook

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